Effective Classroom Management Strategies
Posted by Jenna Cicero on Jan 3rd 2023

Keeping an organized classroom is integral to your students’ academic success. Teachers face a lot of obstacles when it comes to classroom management. Everything from bad behavior and distracted students, to special learners and more, can make it difficult to adhere to the million things we have to juggle every day.
The following classroom management techniques will hopefully help you overcome the countless challenges we as teachers face every day, which can lead to happier students and teachers. Here are some helpful tips:
Be a Role Model to Students
One of the most influential people in children’s lives are their teachers. We, as teachers, spend so much time with students and set the mood and tone of the classroom for them. Keep all non-work related electronics and distractions out of sight during class time to set an example for a focused classroom. It’s important to make sure that students see you speaking politely to others, such as other staff and students to set expectations for a kind and welcoming classroom. This is a great way to show students how important healthy communication is and how to handle conflict both in and out of the classroom.
The Right Preparation
If you start out a day, week, or school year behind the proverbial eight ball, your students will know it. A classroom thrives when the teacher is in charge, provides direction, and takes input from the students. As teachers know, one of the most important things in our classroom is our teacher planner; it’s critical to our success, nothing happens in our classroom without it being written down in our planner. I always joke “wherever I am, my planner is.” After you have chosen your favorite teacher planner, make sure to take the time to make lesson plans that include activities that will engage the different types of learners in your classroom. Remember: not one lesson plan can be one size fits all. From worksheets to hands-on learning to online activities, take the time to prepare for every lesson—and always be prepared to expect some deviation.
Develop Routines
To know children is to know that a schedule is crucial to their success. It’s important to outline exactly what is expected from your students at the beginning of the year and to reiterate expectations daily so that students know what they are working to accomplish each day. This is true of assignment due dates, classroom rules, daily in-class activities and more. Don’t forget that it is important to consistently remind your students of rules, expectations and routines. As they say, practice makes perfect!
While preparation and routine are necessary for a smoothly functioning classroom, we, as teachers, know all too well that we should always expect the unexpected (good and bad). Whether it’s a student getting sick, providing some 1:1 time with a student struggling to master a new concept, or any of the crazy things that happen to us every day. Above all else, flexibility is key, both in our attitude and in our lesson plans to accommodate the expected unexpected.
While you won’t know when something might pop up, it’s always good to have a collection of free worksheets in your classroom printed and organized by subject and category. It’s great to have these ready to give to students in those crazy times when you need to quickly give students busy work. These are perfect when some students need more time working on new concepts, you need 1:1 time with a student, or any of the million unexpected things that happen in the classroom.
Consistent Behavior Management in the Classroom
How a teacher applies discipline in his or her classroom varies, but one thing is universal for success: consistency. If you give behavior points and factor them into grades, let students know the expectations and enforce them at all times. I know this goes without saying, but it is also important to treat all students equally and fairly. Make sure to always apply the same rules to each student. Also, when it comes to consistency, I cannot stress enough how important it is to give praise to students and the class as a whole. This helps the class morale by inspiring students, raising students’ self-esteem, and encouraging positive behavior and participation.
Tip:Using an incentive chart is a great way to keep organized while also providing a visual motivational resource. On the flip side, you should also reward individual students for good behavior, or praise the whole class with a party, special activity, or classroom incentives for good behavior or reaching certain learning milestones to encourage them to keep up the good work.
A Clean and Organized Classroom
It may seem like an oversimplification, but keeping your classroom tidy can improve your students’ performance. Set the example by keeping your desk clutter-free and organized. Ask your students to keep their own desks neat and to help tidy up the classroom at the end of each activity and day. A clear and organized way to do this is to assign and display classroom jobs for students with designated roles each week.
Whenever possible, reduce paper assignments and send completed work home with students daily or weekly so that it doesn’t stack up in your classroom. Without clutter or other messes to distract you and your students, you can all focus more on learning!
Positive Classroom Management
A positive classroom is key to the success of both teachers and students. Students learn better when they are part of a supportive, inclusive, and positive community. Some easy ways to create a positive classroom include: creating a calming corner, filling the classroom with positive classroom decorations, and above all else, ensuring that, as a teacher, we are always patient, kind, and encouraging.
There are so many things both planned and unplanned that we as teachers face each day, but by implementing some of these essential classroom management techniques, you’ll be able to help motivate and encourage your students while maintaining an organized and inviting classroom for all.