Explore the animal kingdom and discover which birds are dangerous and which ones aren't – the facts may surprise you!
Birds soar, hop, and swoop all over. Around some of them, you need to use caution. Others are harmless or even helpful. Do you know which is which? In Vultures and Other Birds, you'll explore the animal kingdom and find out which of these birds are dangerous…or not! The facts may surprise you!
The Dangerous... or Not? series will take you on a journey with some of the most exciting animals in the animal kingdom. Do you know which are dangerous and which just have a bad reputation? Learn about which and how animals can pose a threat to you in this engaging high-interest, low-reading-level series. Each 32-page book in this series features glossary words that are defined on the page where they appear, boosting reader comprehension.
Gr 3-8–Each title in this series introduces eight to 10 animals in terms of their potential danger to humans, other animals, and the environment. A few sentences describe the threats each animal poses, with selected statistics. A “danger meter” rates each one from low to high, and the chosen animals represent a wide spectrum. Invasive species like cane toads receive high danger ratings; mosquitoes rank higher due to the human deaths they cause. Great white sharks are ranked medium high because they “only bite five to ten people a year.” Animals that might look scary, such as turkey vultures and bats, receive low ratings, aptly demonstrating that appearances can be misleading. A single photograph fills each spread, effectively depicting the animals’ fearsome appearance. Some images show the dangerous ones interacting with humans or animals. VERDICT An engaging presentation with high appeal.